Turn the pajamas inside out, and lay them flat and evenly on an ironing board so the dull backside of the satin is exposed. Use a spray bottle filled with water to add moisture to the wrinkled areas of the satin fabric before ironing. Adjust the iron to the lowest heat setting possible and cover the wrinkled area with a cotton pressing cloth. Use the iron to hand press the satin pajamas until they are completely wrinkle free.
This is How to Iron Satin Pajamas: Step-by-Step Guide.
Our article How to Iron Satin Pajamas: Step-by-Step Guide gives you easy to follow instructions so you can get wrinkles out of satin pajamas quickly, easily, and properly.
Use these care guides to make sure you are using the best laundry methods with your satin pajamas.
How to Iron Satin Pajamas
Satin is a fabric that does not wrinkle easily, although when it does, using an iron is the best way to get the wrinkles out.
Satin pajamas are usually made from either silk satin or polyester satin (aka synthetic satin). The instructions below are applicable for both types of satin.
Ironing your satin pajamas will take about 10 to 15 minutes and can be done at home with a few inexpensive supplies. Carefully read the instructions below and learn how to iron your satin pajamas the correct way.
Materials You'll Need:
- An iron
- An ironing board
- A pressing cloth
- A spray bottle
- Clean satin pajamas
1. Turn Pajamas Inside Out
Turn the pajamas inside out so that the dull backside of the satin is facing upwards, and the glossy front is facing down. Never iron satin from the glossy outer surface, always iron from the dull backside.

2. Lay Evenly on Ironing Board
Lay the pajamas flat and evenly on the ironing board.

3. Add Moisture
Use a spray bottle filled with water to add moisture to the area of the pajamas you wish to iron. Use the mist setting to spread the moisture lightly and evenly. The pajamas should be slightly damp but not soaking wet.

4. Use a Pressing Cloth
Place a thin cotton pressing cloth over top of the wrinkled area. You can use a bandana, pillowcase, handkerchief, or t-shirt as a pressing cloth for your satin pajamas.

5. Lowest Heat Setting
Turn the iron on and set it to the lowest heat setting possible. Make sure the steam function is activated.

6. Hand Press the Iron
Hand press the iron on to the wrinkled areas of the satin pajamas, with the pressing cloth always in between the iron and the satin. Do not drag the iron back and forth on the fabric. Instead, press the iron down gently and briefly, then lift, adjust, and press again. Continue pressing until the pajamas are completely wrinkle free.

7. Air Dry
Hang or lay flat in a cool, dim area, to air dry.

Learn how to iron other types of delicate fabrics and garments using the step-by-step guides below.
How to Iron Satin Pajamas FAQ
Can you iron satin pyjamas?
To iron satin pyjamas turn them inside out and lay them evenly on an ironing board. Use a spray bottle to add moisture to the wrinkled area and cover with a cotton press cloth. Turn the iron to the lowest heat setting and hand press the pyjamas.
Can you iron satin?
Yes, satin can be ironed. The best way to get wrinkles out of satin is to use the iron. You will need an iron, an ironing board, a pressing cloth, and a spray bottle to iron your satin garments.