Yes, you can steam satin! Steaming is a gentle and effective way to get wrinkles out of satin fabric. Fill your steamer's water tank with fresh clean water and power the steamer on. Once ready, turn your garment inside out and proceed to use long downward strokes as you steam. Work your way from the top of the garment to the bottom, and hold the mouth of the steamer 3 to 6 cm (1-2 in.) from the surface of the fabric. Continue steaming until the garment is completely wrinkle free.
This is Can You Steam Satin? (How to Steam Satin)

Our article gives you detailed step-by-step instructions on how to steam satin so that you can safely get wrinkles out of your favorite satin garment in just a few minutes all from home.
Can You Steam Satin?
Yes, you can use a steamer to get wrinkles out of satin. The use of a steamer is a gentle and effective way to straighten your satin garments, and can be done at home in just a few minutes.
Silk satin as well as polyester satin can both be steamed using the same steps and methods. Turn your satin garment inside out, and use long downward strokes with the steamer to gently remove wrinkles from the surface of the fabric.
How to Steam Satin
Use the information below to steam your satin quickly, safely, and effectively, every time!
If you would like even more information on steaming satin, please refer to our complete guide on how to steam satin.
You may also be interested in learning How to Steam Silk.
Things You'll Need:
- A steamer
- Fresh water
- Somewhere to hang the satin
- A clean satin garment
1. Fill the Steamer's Water Tank
Fill the steamer's water tank with fresh, clear water. Make sure there is no old, stale water in the water tank before you begin steaming. Satin is a very delicate fabric and every precaution should be taken to make sure the steaming process goes smoothly. If there is old water in the steamer it can possibly leave an unsightly stain on the surface of the satin.

2. Turn on the Steamer
Turn the steamer on and wait for it to power up. Use a cloth to wipe the mouth of the steamer if it is dripping or spitting hot water. Wait for the steamer to stop spitting before you begin.
If your steamer is constantly spitting or dripping water, consider replacing or repairing it.

3. Turn the Satin Inside Out
Turn the satin garment inside out. Steaming from the backside of the satin will help to preserve the fabrics quality for a longer period of time.
Once you have turned your garment inside out, find a place to hang it, and get ready to steam!

4. Begin Steaming
Begin steaming your garment. Do not press the steamer directly onto the satin fabric. Keep 1 to 2 inches (3 to 6 cm) of space between the mouth of the steamer and the surface of your satin garment.

5. Use Downward Strokes and Tension
When steaming your garment it is best to start at the top and slowly work your way down to the bottom. It is also best to use long downward strokes when removing the wrinkles from your satin clothing.
Use your free hand to tug and pull the garment in order to add tension to it, which will help the steamer do its job. Use your hands to add tension to the sleeves, legs, corners, and edges of your satin garments when steaming.
If you are working with a thicker type of satin, such as a 25 momme silk satin fabric, you may have to get the steamer a little closer to the surface of the fabric, and may also have to steam from the glossy front side of the garment, in order to get rid of stubborn creases and wrinkles.
Use the steamer to slowly work your way down the garment. Continue steaming until all the wrinkles have been completely removed from the satin cloth.

How to Iron Satin
Satin can be ironed quickly and easily at home by using an ironing board, an iron, a pressing cloth, and a spray bottle.
Turn the satin garment inside out and lay it evenly on the ironing board. Use a spray bottle filled with water to add moisture to the fabric, and cover the area you wish to iron with a thin, cotton press cloth. Turn the iron on to the lowest heat setting possible, and hand press the iron, as opposed to sliding it across the face of the fabric. Press the iron down onto the backside of the satin fabric, with the press cloth always in between.
For more complete details and step-by-step instructions, continue reading How to Iron Satin.
Can You Steam Satin FAQ
Can you use a steamer on satin?
A steamer can be used to get wrinkles out of satin. Turn your satin garment inside out and work your way from top to bottom using long downward strokes until all the wrinkles have been completely removed.
How do you get wrinkles out of satin?
The most effective way to remove wrinkles from satin is to use an iron. Using a steamer is also a great way to get wrinkles out of satin clothing and fabrics.
Can you steam silk satin?
Silk satin can be steamed by first turning the garment inside out, and then by using long downward strokes with the steamer until all of the wrinkles have been completely removed.
What fabrics should not be steamed?
If you are questioning whether or not your garment can be steamed, please refer to the item's care label before you try to do anything yourself. Some items such as suede, waxed jackets, or certain ornaments that might be made out of plastic, should not be steamed.